January 11, 2023

New Year – New Vision for JEDI Municipalities

In 2003 the County of Wetaskiwin, Town of Millet and City of Wetaskiwin joined together to build a regional economic development organization, the Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI).  This award-winning economic municipal partnership was developed for the purpose of fostering industrial development within the JEDI region through the creation of a unique industrial land development cost and revenue sharing agreement with the municipal partners.

Throughout the years, this municipal partnership has seen municipal member benefits in cost and revenue sharing, seamless annexation processes, and partnerships working together to attract new industrial businesses to the region. In 2017, the City of Wetaskiwin filed notice to terminate their membership. Since 2018, the Town of Millet and the County of Wetaskiwin have seen successful collaborative efforts with JEDI in assisting existing and new industrial businesses such as G3 Canada, SATO Canada and FinDoor.

With a new vision for economic development in the Town of Millet, the Town has decided to conclude its membership in JEDI effective December 31, 2022, and provide all of its economic development services collectively in-house, including the industrial services previously provided by JEDI. The Council of the County of Wetaskiwin then resolved to retain the JEDI corporation, acting as the sole member to the Society.

The JEDI organization is pleased to have the opportunity to continue to work with the County of Wetaskiwin as its main provider for all economic development services.  We will be expanding JEDI’s current mandate of industrial economic development to a broader community economic development scope which will also include retail, commercial and tourism businesses.  JEDI Staff look forward to collaborating with the County of Wetaskiwin, community organizations and businesses to diversity the local economic base and execute defined actions to improve the local business climate.

JEDI staff would like to express its sincere appreciation for the support it has received from the Town of Millet’s Administration and Council during its membership in JEDI.  The Town of Millet is an important neighbor, playing an integral role in our region and we will continue to foster a positive relationship with the Town.  JEDI is excited to move forward with a new structure and new vision in 2023 for community economic development in the County of Wetaskiwin.   Follow us @JEDIAlberta on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to hear more about the exciting changes coming in the new year.

View the joint press release here.